
Saturday, September 12, 2015

Did They Got Married?

Variety world in South Korea is very clever and refreshing. An example of this is the variety/reality show We Got Married from channel MBC. Who else thought about pairing two celebrities and start a fake marriage? Well, Koreans did, and they did it good.

 All the rights to their respected owners.

They show started on February of 2008 and it aired on Sundays, with every week giving the couples missions to complete. It was a way of showing how would it be if they where really married. At first, the couple didn't know who their partner would be until their first meet. After their filming the production team interviewed the couples separately to know how they felt around their mates. The program also has a panel of host that are watching what the couple did along the week, also commenting on their progress along the show. Remember that Korean television is not like American TV, it's a show very innocent and pure who is aiming to younger audience, so don't expect all the drama and full make out sessions from shows like the Bachelor or Bachelorette. A simple gesture like holding hands is a big deal to them, skinship is more restrictive for Korean TV.

I personally don't watch all the show, just look for the couples that I have an interest to watch. First of all, I haven't seen a couple from the first season, I started with the second season with the Khuntoria couple (Nichkhun and Victoria). From now on I will mention some of the couples that I liked and the ones that didn't got to me.

1. JoKwon & Gain, Season 2: The Adam Couple
    JoKwon is a member of the ballad boy group 2AM, while Gain is part of the girl group Brown
    Eyed Girl. Since the first episode you don't stop laughing, they knew each other before the show
    and where a little awkward at the beginning but it changed real quick. JoKwon is well known on
    the on the variety world because of his exuberant attitude, while Gain has an strong character
    for which they sometimes fight but it wasn't for a long. They are two years apart, being Gain the
    older one on the relationship. The name Adam Couple comes on the third episode when her
    brothers in laws pointed out that they are small, and the Korean word for small its pronounced
    like Adam.

All the rights to their respected owners.

2. Nichkhun & Victoria, Season 2-3: Khuntoria Couple
    Nichkhun is one of the members of the male idol group 2PM, while Victoria is the leader of the
    girl group f(x).The Khuntoria Couple was the longest couple on the show, followed by the Adam
    Couple and the Goguma Couple. They were also the first international couple, since he is
    Thai-American and she is Chinese. The interaction between them was something very refreshing,
    he always was attentive towards her and she was to him. There where some feelings around.
    The first couple that I wished they where real ^.~
All the rights to their respected owners.

3. Eunjung & Lee JangWoo, Season 3: WooJung Couple, Walkang Walkang Couple
    Ham Eujung is member of the girl group T-ara, and also an actress better know for her character
    on Dream High and Coffee House. Lee JangWoo is an actor which also has a really good singing
    voice and talent on the acoustic guitar, he got really popular with the drama Smile, Dong Hae
    where he was the antagonist. They got the Walkang Walkang name when Eujung said the
    expression while walking on the grass at their honeymoon vacation.
All the rights to their respected owners.

4. Leeteuk & Kang Sora, Season 3: Dimple Couple
    Leeteuk is the leader of the boy idol group Super Junior, and Kang Sora is an actress that was
    famous at that time for the movie Sunny and from a few dramas back then but now she is well
    known for dramas like Misaeng and Mendorong Totot (Warm and Cozy). The name Dimple
    Couple was given since both of them have dimples. I really wished that this couple was real
    because they seemed very genuine towars each other, they even shared a kiss on the last
    episode. I'm still waiting the announcement of their relationship!
All the rights to their respected owners.

5. Jinwoo & Go JoonHee, Season 4: Extreme Couple
    Jinwoo is a member of the male ballad group 2AM, while JoonHee is a model turned actress.
    They where 6 years apart (7 in Korean culture), but that did not made a difference between
    them. She loved idol groups, and had a great sense of style like him which was great for the
    relationship. They are both very tall and together where a great visual. They where the
    extreme couple because of their progress on the show, with a lot of skinship in a little time.
    It was really entertaining watching them, because it wasn't as cheesy as other couples.
    They seemed real on their feelings towards each other, for which it was hard to see them
    go separate ways.

All the rights to their respected owners.

6. Jang Wooyoung & Park Seyoung, Season 4: Young Couple
    Wooyoung is a member of the idol group 2PM, while Park Seyoung started as a singer but then
    turned to acting. It was named the Young Couple since both of their names ended the same, with
    Young. Since the beginning I liked the couple, because he was just clumsy when talking and she
    was just trying to adjust to her new life as a wife. As the time pass for the couple they got closer
    and really started to like each other, they even kissed on the last episode.
All the rights to their respected owners.

7. Nam Goongmin & Hong Jinyoung, Season 4: Battery Couple
    Nam Goongmin is an actor, while Hong Jinyoung is a trot singer and tv personality. She was one
    of the members of the WGM panel which was more surprising to the new husband. A couple on
    their 30's was the best to watch, since they are on the best age to get married. The name Battery
    Couple comes from one of her songs, Love Battery. Since the first episode was fun watching
    them, she has a very bright personality and he is very straight forward with what he thinks.
    Their sincere personalities was what got to me, it was like watching a real couple managing
    everyday tasks. They cared for each other and it was fun to watch how they got closer with
    every episode. For me they where the best looking couple, because they seemed very realistic.

All the rights to their respected owners.

Now the couples that I didn't like. For me it wasn't as natural as the other couples on the show, they seemed awkward most of the time and didn't have a closer relationship as the other couples.

1.  Jung Yong Hwa & Seohyun, Season 2: Goguma Couple
     Yong Hwa is member of the boy band CNBLUE while Seohyun is the youngest among the girl
     group Girls Generation (SNSD). Since the begining Seohyun was restricted towards Yong, always
     speking formal to him. For me it was frustrating watching her, the husband was always trying to
     make her more comfortable but she draw the line between them. In very few occasions she let
     her guard dawn. Goguma is Korean for sweet potato, which was her favorite food and the code
     with her members to let them know that she liked her husband.
All the rights to their respected owners.

2. Lee Taemin & Son Naeun, Season 4: Innocent Couple
    Taemin is member of the boy idol group SHINee, Naeun is member of the girl group Apink.
    Since the beginning I didn't like the couple, they seemed awkward and more like sunbae (senior)
    and hoobae (junior) that are respectful terms use on the Korean culture. Then the relationship
    got a little closer but for me they where more like friends with some kind of feelings not like
    a couple.
All the rights to their respected owners.

    For me the only entertaining episodes where when Key (one of the members of SHINee) and
    Eunji (another member of Apink) came on the scene. On an episode Key mentioned to Taemin 
    that he had to set up a blind date with one of the members of Apink, since he was helping him 
    with his relationship. From all the members of Apink he mentioned Eujin, since he liked her
    on a drama that she did and her attitude. With that the story of  the new couple was born. They
    shared a good chemistry on screen and I would've for them to be a couple, but it didn't happen
    (then he was cast for WGM Global Edition with Japanese model Yagi Arisa). I would say that
    the Key & Eunji Couple is a plus ^.~
All the rights to their respected owners.

Well this is all I have to say about WGM. It's a unique show with some cuteness around, so if you like to watch a PG-13 romance you are good to go. Some are just PG on American culture, but is nice to watch some innocent love on TV for once. Hope you liked my review on the show! ^.^

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